Question: 1 / 135

What is an open intersection?

An intersection without traffic control signs or signals

An open intersection refers to a junction where there are no traffic control devices, such as signs or signals, to manage the flow of traffic. This type of intersection requires drivers to use their judgment and be aware of other vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Because there are no signals directing traffic, it’s crucial for drivers to yield to other road users appropriately, especially when determining right-of-way based on the traffic patterns and the specific situation at hand.

In contrast, intersections with stop signs, traffic lights, or any form of traffic control do not qualify as open intersections because they provide direction to vehicles on how to proceed. Each of these controls serves to manage traffic flow and enhance safety by indicating who must stop and when it is safe to enter the intersection.

An intersection with a four-way stop

An intersection with traffic lights

An intersection with a two-way stop


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